Yes, I voted. I stood in the queue for an hour and cast my secret ballot.
I wont get into the in's and out of voting and my opinion as politics is such a hot topic that I am bound to get a million replies, both good and bad.
I had to seriously pray before hand as I felt very hopeless for this country. I prayed that I remember that my hope is in Christ and not the government. My hope comes from the Lord and not what I see around me.
Its hard to do that. To stand on the word when, my world, my country is completely out of my hands and I can only cast 1 vote as to how I wish it would be.
Hi Karen
I know exactly how you feel. It's the same in all countries. Thank God that our REAL HOME in Heaven isn't subject to this chaos. I take personal comfort as a Christian knowing that God is still in control of this world.
Luke; 21:25 (And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the seas and the waves roaring;)
Luke; 21:28 (Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.)
No one knows the exact time but God alone. Our nations are certainly in distress. It's an exciting time we live in.
Wow! I am so wrapped up in America's dissolution that I hadn't even considered the thought of Christians throughout the world having similar feelings. We need to encourage one another, don't we?
It's good that you voted, no matter who it was for. Your voice does count and so do your actions :D I like what Sheri said, we need to encourage one another!!
Also, I got your comment and tried to publish it from the email on my cell phone, but my huge, clumsy fingers pressed the wrong option and I couldn't go in and change it!! Frustrating!! But I thank you for stopping by and thinking of me :D I hope that you are feeling good! Rhonda
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