Today I went to a friends birthday party. She had about 10 gals for wine/tea/scones/snacks.
She had two distinctive camps of friends there. The first was her "hippie" friends. (Cape Town is full of hippie-alternative people). The other were incredibly conservative Christian.
The problem lay with the fact that I am the odd one out. I really don't fit into either group. Now the hippie group of ladies seemed such fun, and I was drawn to them. Unfortunately I had absolutely nothing to say to them. I could say to my yoga teacher who was there, "nice class this morning", but that is where it ends.I don't understand hippies, the way they dress puzzles me as it generally looks awful, and they kinda look unkempt and dishevelled half the time. Well, that's in my opinion anyway!
I could chat a bit about Christianity to the other ladies, where do you go to church, what do you see 2009 holding for you? But, that is also where it ended. Trying to make conversation was like "pulling teeth".
This is also the same problem for me in my life! I belong to a wonderful church. It is very Charismatic and I love it,but I find the people incredibly conservative, and Oh so BORING!!! I feel like the black sheep when I am with them. I stay, because God has led me there and I feel that I am not called to move house.( ps. I have been there 6 yrs now and have 1 friend, the above birthday gal!)
My "old" friends, I have cut ties with as I did not fit into that worldly lifestyle either, so I am really struggling to meet "normal" fun loving people who are crazy about Jesus!
Lord if your reading my post, I have prayed about this over and over. Please answer my prayers!!
Isn't it great to be a child of God? It's true, you don't have anything in common with the world. You will never be like the world because you are a new creation in Christ. All of us who are willing to live for Christ experience these feelings at times. I'm proud of you Karen. You are that shining light in a dark place. I pray God will bring you many Christian friends for support and friendship. There is strength in numbers.
Keep up the good work!
Oh, how the Father longs to answer your prayer! How sweet is your prayer to Him!
I hate chit-chat... "how is the weather" conversations. I bear with it... but I long for a deeper conversations. Normally, after parties like that I have to go home... and take a nap!
New friendships take time, energy and work. But they are worth it, sister... so very worth it!
Hey! Yup, probably down the road from you...
I do happen to know the author of Heathcote Safari too, she is in Kalk Bay. Do you know her?
Another blog you may want to take a look at is www.sonsearcher.blogspot.com. Some interesting thoughts.
This may not be a popular or well received response. But please know my intentions are good. It seems that God has placed you right where you should be. If you look at the life of Jesus he hung out with every kind of person. Perhaps Jesus was color blind and did not see the tie-die but a heart needing to be loved. Being passionate about loving Jesus and seeking to love in a very colorful world is a challenge. Open your heart to all the differences.
I personally try, often with stuggle to think of 2 or 3 questions of the heart, to get past what I may think is not the kind of person I would naturally be drawn too.
Praying for your process.
Karen, I am praying for the Lord to bring a few close sisters into your life... He is faithful to do this!! ((((you)))) :D
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