The "word" for 2008 in our church was Fire and Water. This came up over and over again. God is refining us. There is no doubt about that. I can clearly see this in my life, my church and in the blogs I read.
How we responded depends on our attitude and actions!
Then there was the water. I blogged a bit about that personally. He is wanting us to "tap" into the living waters. To dig in deep and grow our roots in him.I have a friend who is an inspiration as I have never met someone who his "digging" like her!
I believe that this water theme continues into 2009. Whilst praying yesterday I felt God say to me that this is the year to press in. To not lose heart, nor to sit back and relax.
Paul writes: I do not consider that I have already made it, but forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal.
Philippians 3:12-21
God is calling for His children to grow up, and to grow in HIM. Like the marigold post I wrote, we are to be the seeds planted in fertile soil, not choked by the worlds problems, or have shallow roots.He is personally transplanting His Children.
So, I respond to the Almighty by saying Yes! I want to run the good race. I want to fight the good fight. I am ready. I don't want to live on the milk my whole life (1 Peter 2:2-3) , just tasting the meat on occasion. I want the meat.
So in go into 2009, ready and prepared. I have my armour on, and I have my knife and fork! God is my victory!
I have been reading through your blog (since you commented on mine!) Your kids are about my kids ages. sorta. Gabriel will be 4 on valentine's day and Jeremy will be 18 months this saturday.
I am amazed at the "unclearness" of so much in the Bible...But I guess God didn't deem it important! Probably Adam and Eve had other children after cain and Able but before Seth (although there is none mentioned) and they married - brother and sister - and moved away and had their own kids and that is who Cain went off to...How different that culture than ours here - at least here in America!
I have a running list of questions...it is so cool to get deeper in the word!
thanks for commenting. I am now a blog follower (sorry this is so long!)
I enjoyed your post today. Every breath we take is a gift from God and we need to be thankful. He has given us the Word of God to be feed with and that is where the true meat is found. I pray God blesses you and your family this coming year.
Yes! Yes! I will stand with you and press in and on and forward!
I truly believe our culture and much of demise is pushing us closer to the cross. Great blog today.
how do I keep track? Well I check my dashboard often (but I try not to be OCD about it!) b/c I participate in many weekly memes - the day I do one is when I explore those blogs - does that make sense? I also get up around 5:30 to get hubby out the door and then do my deovs and check e-mail and blog updates...kiddos up around 6:30 so it works out good...!
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