Friday, December 14, 2012

My little Miracle

People often equate a miracle to something huge, such as Moses parting the red sea or Jesus raising Lazarus from  the dead. But that’s not true. We get “little” miracles as well. But that does not mean that its anything less than a miracle.

I want to share a testimony with you.
Last week Thursday, I lost ( Robs) grandmothers ring. It was an inheritance, and it was going to be passed down to Jordan when her “Oupie” died. Rob’s dad had given it to him for safe keeping.
We had retraced our steps and it had gone missing one of three places, which of course it was not there.
Rob went into a downer for a few days ( which was hard to see), and I was totally beside myself. I prayed and prayed like never before, yet  I was not despondent. I kept going to Jesus saying, God, this is such a petty matter to you, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me. Part of me felt so stupid asking God to please help find a ring. Sounds silly, doesn't it!
I put an advert in the Peoples Post which my husband thought was pointless. He said, “lets face it, its gone and I have no idea how I am going to tell my dad!” I prayed over and over for the Holy Spirit to soften the person’s heart to come forward and contact me.
The Peoples Post came out today, and low and behold the person who found the ring called us.
I tried not to get excited as Rob went to meet the gentleman in Ocean View. A Mr C found the ring. He lives in very poor part of Ocean View. When he got there, the entire family had arrived and was seated in this tiny little room. He told Rob that his daughter was getting married soon and he wanted to give the ring to her, but when he saw the advert, he said it was the Christian thing to call us.
Rob then called me to say, “yes, it’s the ring”. I burst into tears.

I believe God answered my prayer because I had faith, but the real reason was that I was part of the community project last week end in Ocean View. I believe that because I was there, loving people from Ocean view,  washing their feet and praying for them, that God moved in faith. I believe that God moves when we move. When we commit to him and move out of our comfort zone and go beyond ourselves for Jesus’s sake, God honours this. I once heard Pastor Steve Brammer say in a sermon Faith= Hope+ Action.

I cannot take the glory by being helpful  this week end.  Its God’s glory, but its a testimony of how great God is, and how much he cares for us that he is willing to restore to us a little thing as a ring!