Friday, February 5, 2010

My beach work out

I managed to get to gym this morning at 6am. As you know for the last month I have been really battling again with the fatigue, but thankfully I have been very kind to myself. If I have had a hard day I just say, tomorrow is another day! This is very refreshing change for me.

It was such a stunning morning, with no wind that after 20 min on the bike I decided to take my workout to fish hoek beach. It was a spring tide and the water was very high and I kept having to jump and dash up what little beach was left so I didn't get my takkies wet. Walking on the cat walk was also great. Everyone I met was so friendly, eyeing me and saying Good morning, Good morning. In this day and age it was great to be acknowleged.

The verse I had on my lips was "this is the day that the Lord had made". Thanks Holy Spirit for revealing the Fathers heart to me, as I did rejoice and was glad!