Monday, May 4, 2009

The Shack, trusting God and so much more.

I have just finished reading "The Shack", by William Young. To be honest, I did not find it particularly AMAZING, awesome, nor tear jerking (although the end made me teary!). However there was a few RHEMA sentences that the Holy Spirit revealed to me.

I have been struggling with trust. Trusting God as we walk through new territory. Not only have I been struggling with trust, I have really been wrestling with it, especially in my prayer life.
When I read the book "practising the presence of God", a short while ago, I struggled to understand how he, Brother Lawrence, could totally surrender EVERYTHINGto the Father. Its not that I don't want to, don't get me wrong, its that I can't.

And so, in His perfect timing,The Holy Spirit revealed to me. Trust is the fruit of a relationship where you know you are loved......and because you don't know that I (God/Jesus) love you, you cannot trust me.

Now this sounds so simple, doesn't it. Of course I know God loves me,I am a believer and follower of Christ. But,I clearly do not know the DEPTH of His love for me. And I now see that if I did, I would be able to move mountains.

So, where to from here? Well, I believe the answer is to keep abiding in Christ. I so badly want what Brother Lawrence had, to give up the right to decide what is good and evil on my own terms and chose only to live in Christ. I want it now. I want it NOW. God's timing is perfect, and He know's I am an impatient child.

It reminds me of that joke, "how do you eat an elephant? Answer, one bite at a time."


Terry said...

The answer is to abide in Christ's love for you. The Bible tells us that God's love for us is realized in and through Christ Jesus.
Ephesians; 3:17-19
(that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-to know the love of Christ which passes all knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.)
Knowledge of Christ's love is far beyond the capability of human reason and experience. It is only known by those who are God's children.

hey you.... blahhhhhhgitty blaaahhh said...

Very thought provoking post! My sister just got done reading The Shack and had the same review as you... but I am grateful for His revelations to you... I love it when that happens :D