Monday, January 24, 2011

This weeks goals

Last night I sat down and wrote what I wanted for this week, my goals and my aims. This was a confirmation for me as yesterdays sermon was about changing your mind set, which is exactly what my resolutions are about, changing my old ways.
On the financial side, my stock take is revealing scary stuff. I spend far too much money! I have now started a file and am not only recording my expenses, I am filing them. So far the weekly shop isn't working out and I still went daily to buy groceries. This is a very bad habit that I must change. So, I have decided that Rob is to do this week's shopping. LI will keep you posted on that one!

The kids behaviour is still terrible and I want to change this. Lately I have been reacting to them and not taking action.I had a serious heart to heart with the Lord, and  have prayed very hard over this and was shown that if I do not partner up with Him, then I am going to end up being a screaming fish wife and have not so loving kids. I have recommitted myself to God in this area and to daily praying over them, and have given the kids over to Him. I promise you, that the moment I did that, my burden was instantly lifted!

Me, well that is fine. This week's aims is no grain in my diet. Gym: x5 this week. Aim: I really want to be very fit this year.


sister sheri said...

So important to evaluate where we are and where we want to be!

Have you heard of "Love and Logic" by Fay and Cline? When Christopher was younger I realized that I was really getting angry with him when he was disobedient. I didn't like myself when I was like that. This book changed my parenting style so that I would let him realize that he was choosing to be disobedient... and he would have consequences.

hey you.... blahhhhhhgitty blaaahhh said...

The New Year is always a great time to reflect and take stock :D A great time to do this and plan out a new year and what God wants for us.

A book that our family has found incredibly helpful is 'Raising Your Spirited Child - a guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and energetic' by May Sheedy Kurcinka It changes how we label our children and helps your child be the best that he or she can be. We've looked at the Love and Logic and found it to be lacking when a child is 'outside the box'. And personally I found the L & L books to also lacking in just genuine loving attitudes. Sometimes a child will behave worse if they are left to scream it out and why is that necessary?!

Anyway, as always, I enjoy reading your blog. Hope you are well!!!

Unknown said...

I started to read the power of a praying parent and I think thats a good start. I will go see if I can find those 2 books in the libary, or if any of my church gals have them to lend me as the more help the better.