Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12.2
After my emotional outburst last week, I started to read The power of a praying woman as well. I loved it when Stormie Omartian says "We do not have to entertain every thought in our head. Ask yourself, are these thoughts I would chose?". Something in what she said struck home. The fact that I was so filled with hatred towards myself that evening was not thoughts that I would chose. However these thoughts have found a home, and have become part of me. I certainly do not wish to harbour this kind of thinking and so some serious reprogramming needs to happen here.
As I had begun to ponder and pray over this, God was faithfully working behind the scenes. I sat in church today and the series we started was, " The power of a positive you." Isn't God good! Our pastors started out by saying, " an attitude adjustment comes when we change how we think. Reprogramme your mind. Renew your mind".
2 Cor 10.5 is something i need to put into practice. " We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ".I realised that thoughts of the past often pop into my head. With these thoughts come the memories of that moment, and I had inadvertently began to relive them. For example, I would remember an incident that I was not proud of, of how I acted, or spoke, and then would compare myself to a young lady I know very well. This young lady is wonderfully mature and has her feet firmly planted on the ground, and compare how immature and foolish I was. This playback has begun to happen at least three times a week, maybe more, and even though I had tried to replace this playback with whom I am today ( the old man vs the new man), it had not helped. Now I am ready to use scripture to stand firm against the enemy.
Straight away thoughts of how I should have be doing this as I am not a immature Christian spring to mind. The enemy is quick. But God is faithful, constant and loving and is completely opposite to Satan who tries to pollute my mind with junk.
I will keep you posted on how it goes!
1 comment:
I've lately been re-reading Too Busy Not To Pray. Honestly wondering how I could ever forget how important it is!
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