Anderson Camp was very nice and we enjoyed our stay. The staff were very understanding when we told them Adam had the mumps and we had decided to leave.
We thought of taking him to the dr in the local town or maybe even going home, but we decided that as we were heading North the heat wouldn't be so bad, and unlike Etosha, we would be able to drive with the aircon on, and we were right.
We also stopped for ice creams and biltong along the way.
That evening we camped at a game farm called Bush Baby's.The staff were friendly and very accomodating that we had pitched two days early. However, we were not that impressed. Even though the camp site was on grass, had a nice swimming pool, the ablution facilities were clean but much to be desired. The camp site stank of goat or buck droppings.
They say that a happy wife equals happy camping and that is very true.I refused to go camping this time with our old safari tent. It took ages to erect and even longer to clean and dismantle. As we were sometimes just camping overnight, and I was not prepared to spend an hour on a tent. We pitched our new turbo tent, which went up in less than five minutes. Needless to say, I was very happy.
The next day Adam started having side effects to the malaria medication which we had started to take. He had the runs! That meant frequently stopping at the side of the road. When he had to go, he had to go, and so we had to immediately stop. Luckily we were not near any towns otherwise we would have had serious problems.
The terrain has changed. Very bushy and lush with many game farms. Until now, Namibia has been quiet "Western".I have noticed for the first time here little rural thatch huts, kraals with chickens, ( chickens are a rarity here) and more people. So far I have only seen people in the towns. Ladies are also selling wood carvings and clay pots by the side of the road.
Its started to become overcast and its threatening to rain. The temperate has dropped 10'c since this morning. Let you know how it goes. I wonder if the rainy season has come a few weeks earlier. Hopefully not!
Karen Lawrence-African Shark Eco-Charters.
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