Jordan is 3 and a half years old and is now old enough to understand Christmas. It is such a joy to me to see how she plays baby Jesus in the manger with her dolls. Her 3 teddy bears are the cow,lamb and donkey that watch over baby Jesus and Mary. She tried to get Adam to lie in her toy basket as Jesus, but he just gets up and waddles off!! She and I must then sing "away in a manger", "we three kings", and "twinkle twinkle little star". This "rehearsal" for the big day has been going on since early November.
Rob and I decided that we where not going to go big on the presents. We have got them a few nick nacks from Father Christmas, an educational game to teach Jordan to tell the time and some new clothes as she has sprouted, so a few items we added to the list and that is that.
I made the error of getting Advent calendars! These where hand made with little pockets that you pop a sweet into. The second day we had them, a third of the sweeties where gone. A little mouse had neatly eaten the sweets and replaced the wrappers in the pockets. We had to have a little chat about "obedience" after that.
She learnt a little song from school that had me in stitches when I heard it. It goes like this:
Father Christmas
Father Christmas
He got stuck
He got stuck
Coming down the chimney
Coming down the chimney
Merry Christmas, dearest sister-in-Christ! Thank you for your comment. Sometimes I struggle with being so transparent. I wonder... what will people think? I am so glad that God uses our transparency to draw us to Him and others who are like us.
I'll be checking in on you... and always feel comfortable touching base with me.
And yes, I did write that poem. I hadn't thought of it as a poem. Just real me. In the bread aisle that day. Trying to capture how depression can sneak up on me.
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