T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature stirred, not even a mouse! Well, that is not entirely true. Adam is wailing in his cot, and doesnt feel like sleeping yet, and Rob is watching cricket high lights on TV. Jordan, my sweet little Angel is fast asleep so Father Christmas can bring her, her pressies.
The presents were put in the fire place only now, for fear that Adam would rip them all open!! The milk and biscuits were also placed by the fire place for Father Christmas to eat and be merry later on. I am having such fun with Jordan experiencing her first real Christmas that she properly understands.
Jordan and I are going to go to Church tomorrow morning to say Happy Birthday to Jesus, and to sing Christmas Carols. The guys can hang out together and peel the potatoes for me. I am happy to say that all the prep work is done for the big day tomorrow and all I have to do is shove the Lamb in the oven in the morning!
I wish all of you a blessed Christmas. Let us not forget the "real" reason for celebrating, amongst all the fun of presents, crackers and a decent glass of bubbly.
Enjoy tomorrow!
Merry Christmas! Is there family there to celebrate with, too?
Merry Christmas!
I noticed your struggle with depression. Have you visited Chonda Pierce's website? You might check it out.
Blessings and hugs dear one.
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