I have had a very rough two weeks. My fatigue has been incredibly bad, and I would link that to the stress that I am going through with work. We have had some restructuring of our business and it has been very hard emotionally on me.

I have a little prayer card that I wrote down from Col 3 15-17.
Let the peace of Christ rule in my heart. Let the word of Christ dwell richly in me.
And in whatever I do, in word or deed, I will try do it all in the name of Jesus.
I have not tried to dwell on the issue to much, but being right in the situation, I have had no peace. Time and time I have handed this over to the Lord, but I can honestly say I have not stepped back enough to give it completely over to Him. The crux of the matter is I honestly don't know how to do this.
Why can I totally hand some issues over and others, I dont know how to step away from them?
Its not a trust issue here, but I think perhaps a personality one.Why do I allow myself to get so worked up and upset?
From today I am going to say "Father,I chose to hand today over to you. Teach me to walk in peace through this period."
I took these two pictures on holiday. They are very peaceful. Just looking at them reminds me that our creator made all. How big our God is, and how little my problems are.
God, you are wonderful, loving, merciful, good, just,and kind. Thank you for your patience with me.
Your loving daughter
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